
This is the first course in database systems. Therefore we will start with the fundamental concepts and move gradually toward modern database systems. Topics marked with ** will only be covered when time permits.


關聯式模型和語言 (Relational models and languages)

概念模式化與資料庫設計 (Conceptual modeling and database design)

關聯式資料庫設計 (Relational database design)

資料庫應用設計 (Database application design)

大數據與資料分析(Big data and analytics)

資料庫管理系統技術 I (DBMS technologies I)

資料庫管理系統技術 II (DBMS technologies II)

交易管理 (Transaction management)

平行與分散式資料庫(Parallel and distributed databases)**

物件導向資料庫(Object-oriented databases)**

半結構化資料與XML(Semi-structured data and XML)**

物聯網與串流資料處理(Internet of Things(IoT) and streaming data processing)**

進階議題 (Advanced topics)**