簡歷 About
Dr. Shiow-yang Wu is a professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, ROC. He received the BS and MS degrees in computer engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC, and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1984, 1986, and 1995, respectively. His research interests are cloud computing and big data processing, data & knowledge bases, mobile & pervasive computing, distributed processing, intelligence information systems and service computing.
研究 Research
The goal of our research is to build highly responsive intelligent information systems to provide pervasive information services all the time, everywhere, on all varieties of data. The main research areas include data & knowledge base systems for information management, cloud-based IoT and big data systems for high availability and scalability, mobile & pervasive computing for pervasive access, parallel & distributed processing for effective and real-time performance, artificial intelligence techniques for intelligent responses. Dynamic mobile cloud services, cloud-based IoT for smart farming, streaming big data analytics, and pervasive information services are selected as the main application domains for experimenting our ideas. We also have some interesting results on RFID data management, service computing and ECommerce, and mobile sensor networks.
Current Research

Mobile Data Management

Mobile Cloud Services

Big Data Analytics

RFID Data Management Middleware

Service Computing and ECommerce Applications

Mobile Sensor Networks
Past Research
- Universal Access and Personalized Services (2001 ~ 2006)
- Active Replication Scheme for Mobile Information Management (1997 ~ 1999)
- Active Database Systems for Adaptive Mobile Computing (1996 ~ 1998)
- Intelligent Agent Systems for Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce (1997 ~ 1998)
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Computer Aided Learning in Mobile Environments (1996 ~ 1997)
- Decomposition Abstraction in Parallel Rule Languages (1993 ~ 1996)
著作發表 Publications
期刊論文 Journal Publications
- Yun-Ning Liu and Shiow-yang Wu. A Rule-Based Approach for Dynamic Analytic Hierarchy Process Decision Making. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2020 Vol.12 No.1, pp.36-74.
- Kuo-chu Wu, Wei-yi Liu, Shiow-yang Wu. Dynamic Deployment and Cost-Sensitive Provisioning for Elastic Mobile Cloud Services. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 17(6):1326-1338, June 2018. (doi:10.1109/TMC.2017.2771427)
- Hsiang-Jen Hong, Ge-Ming Chiu, Shiow-yang Wu, Tien-Ruey Hsiang and Tai-Lin Chin. Patron Allocation for Group Services under Lower Bound Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(3):850-862, March 2017. (SCI, IF=2.661)
- Wen-sheng Chen, Ying-Jun Chen and Shiow-yang Wu. Dynamic Aggregate: An Elastic Framework for QoS-aware Distributed Processing of RFID Data on Enterprise Hierarchy. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(7):1724-1734, July 2014. (SCI, 2013 IF=1.796) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2013.177
- Shiow-yang Wu and Kuo-Chang Lin. Structured Design, Consistency Analysis and Failure Reasoning of Business Workflows with Activity-Control Templates and Causal Ordering. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7):8000-8013 , July 2011. (SCI, 2011 IF=1.926) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2010.12.121
- Shiow-yang Wu and Cheng-en He. QoS-Aware Dynamic Adaptation for Cooperative Media Streaming in Mobile Environments. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22(3):439-450, Mar 2011. (SCI, 2011 IF=1.575) DOI: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPDS.2010.81
- Shiow-yang Wu and Hsiu-Hao Fan. Activity-Based Proactive Data Management in Mobile Environments. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 9(3):390-404, Mar 2010. (SCI, 2010 IF=2.647)
- Shiow-yang Wu and Shih-Chien Chou. Preventing Information Leakage in Mobile Applications with Object-Oriented Access Control Lists and Security Monitor Encapsulation. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 25(6):1921-1937, Nov 2009. (SCI, 2009 IF=0.315)
- Shiow-yang Wu, Jungchu Hsu and Chieh-ming Chen. Headlight Prefetching and Dynamic Chaining for Cooperative Media Streaming in Mobile Environments. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 8(2):173-187, Feb 2009. (SCI, 2009 IF=2.647)
- 吳秀陽、謝至斌, 以XML與動態代理人為基礎之跨企業電子商務架構與交易處理,《電子商務學報》,10(1):27-61,Mar. 2008。(TSSCI)
- Shiow-yang Wu, Chun-Shun Chang, Shih-Hsun Ho and Hung-Shun Chao. Rule-Based Intelligent Adaptation in Mobile Information Systems. Expert Systems with Applications 34(2):1078-1092, Feb. 2008. (SCI, 2008 IF=2.596)
- Shiow-yang Wu and Yu-tse Chang. A User-Centered Approach to Active Replica Management in Mobile Environments. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5(11):1606-1619, Nov. 2006. (SCI, 2006 IF=2.550)
- Shiow-yang Wu and Jun-Hsong Huang. Focus Based Resource-Aware Semantic Transcoding for Universal Access. Journal of Internet Technologies 7(4):353-363, Oct. 2006. (EI)
- Shiow-yang Wu and Kun-Ta Wu. Effective Location Based Services with Dynamic Data Management in Mobile Environments. Wireless Networks 23(3):369-381, June 2006. (SCI, 2006 IF=0.812)
- Shiow-yang Wu, Daniel P. Miranker, and James C. Browne. Decomposition Abstraction in Parallel Rule Languages. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 7(11): 1164-1184, Nov. 1996. (SCI)
研討會論文 Conference Publications
- Ming-Jui Ho, Tsung-Ying Sun and Shiow-yang Wu*. A Simulation Framework for V2X Autonomous Vehicles Based on Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems Technologies. IEEE ICASI 2023: 9th International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Japan, April 21-25, 2023. MOST 111-2221-E-259-005
- 張維凱、吳秀陽. 串流大數據循序行為預測式分析與動態矯正. TANET 2022 台灣區網際網路研討會, 2022. MOST 111-2221-E-259-005
- 謝名峰、吳秀陽. 串流大數據預測式視覺化系統架構方法與實現. TANET 2022 台灣區網際網路研討會, 2022. MOST 111-2221-E-259-005
- Yen-hui Liang and Shiow-yang Wu. Sequence-Growth : A Scalable and Effective Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm for Big Data Based on MapReduce Framework. IEEE BigData 2015: 4th International Congress on Big Data, Taipei Satellite Session, May 15-16, 2015.
- Yun-Ning Liu and Shiow-yang Wu. A Dynamic Calculation Method for AHP in Unexpected Environments. e-CASE & e-Tech 2015: International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 13, 2015.
- Yun-Ning Liu and Shiow-yang Wu. Using Normalization and AHP for Improving Supplier Selection Process in Steel Bars Industry. e-CASE & e-Tech 2013: International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan, April 3-5, 2013.
- Kuo-chu Wu, Wei-y Liu, Shiow-yang Wu. Development Model and Environment for Dynamic Mobile Cloud Services. APCloudCC 2012: IEEE Asia Pacific Cloud Computing Congress, 2012.
- Chi-Ming Ma, Tai-Jung Wu, Shiow-yang Wu. A Rule-based Approach for Dynamic Adaptation of Service Flow. SOCA 2012: 5th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, 2012.
- 沈惟嘉、馬啟銘、吳秀陽. 服務關聯性導向之服務品質計算與網路服務組合. NCS 2007: National Computer Symposium, 全國計算機會議, 2007. (Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture 組佳作)
- Shiow-yang Wu, Jungchu Hsu and Chieh-Ming Chen. Headlight Prefetching for Mobile Media Streaming. MobiDE 2007: 6th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access, Beijing, China, June 10th, 2007.
- Shiow-yang Wu, Chao-Hong Liu and Chen-Kuang Tzeng. Self-organization Strategies for Dynamic Context Coverage in Capability-Constrained Mobile Sensor Networks. IEEE SUTC 2006: The IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, Taichung, Taiwan, June 5-7, 2006.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Kuo-Chang Lin. Cross Enterprise Business Modeling with AC Diagrams and Workflow Patterns. IEEE CEC 2005: 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology, Munich, Germany, July 19-22, 2005. NSC93-2213-E-259-012
- 謝至斌, 吳秀陽. 基於XML與動態代理人技術之跨企業電子商務交易系統. NCS2005: 2005年全國計算機會議(National Computer Symposium), Dec 15-16, 2005. NSC91-2213-E-259-017
- 黃俊雄, 吳秀陽. 支援通用存取之使用者意向聚焦與資源感知語意轉形. TAAI2005: 第十屆人工智慧與應用研討會(The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications), Dec 2-3, 2005. NCS92-2213-E-259-010 NCS93-2213-E-259-012
- Shiow-yang Wu and Wai-chun Ko. Location Based Access to Moving Data Sources. PDCS2004: 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, September 15-17, 2004.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Kun-Ta Wu. Dynamic Data Management for Location Based Services in Mobile Environments. IDEAS2003: The 7th International Database Engineering and Application Symposium, pages 180-189, Hong Kong, July 16-18, 2003.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Wen-Shen Chen. Oral-Query-by-Sketch: An XML-based Framework for Speech Access to Image Databases. VDB6: The 6th IFIP Working Conference on Visual Database Systems, pages 341-355, Brisbane, Australia, 29-31 May 2002.
- Shiow-yang Wu and H.S.Cinatit Chao. Event Engine for Adaptive Mobile Computing. MDM'2001: Second International Conference on Mobile Data Management, pages 27-38, Hong Kong, January 8-10, 2001. Also in Kian-Lee Tan and Michael J. Franklin and John Chi-Shing Lui (Eds.) Mobile Data Management, LNCS 1987, pages 27-38, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Yi-Sen Eu. Intelligent Caching for Mobile Web Browsing. IMMCN'2000: First International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking, JCIS'2000: The Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences. Volume 2, pages 628-631, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, 2000.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Ching-Sun Lee. 以使用者側寫,文件結構及伺服器端提示為基礎之行動網際網路資訊預取. TANET2000: 二000台灣區網際網路研討會, 2000.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Shih-Hsun Ho. Active Rule System for Adaptive Mobile Data Access. The First International Conference on Mobile Data Access, pages 146-155, Hong Kong, China, 1999.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Yu-tse Chang. An Active Replication Scheme for Mobile Data Management. Proc. DASFAA'99: 6th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, pages 143--150, 1999.
- Shiow-yang Wu and H.S.Cinatit Chao. 支援適應性行動計算之事件引擎. NCS'99:中華民國八十八全國計算機會議. pages C-480 ~ C-485, Taiwan, 1999.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Hsin-Chih Chiang. 智慧型代理人在多元件產品仲介上之應用. TANET'99: 一九九九台灣區網際網路研討會, A4.5, 1999.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Hsin-Chih Chiang. Intelligent Agent Team for Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce. ATWork'99: Agent Technology Workshop, Taiwan, 1999. (in Chinese)
- Shiow-yang Wu and Chun-Shun Chang. An Active Database Framework for Adaptive Mobile Data Access. Workshop on Mobile Data Access, 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Singapore, 1998. Also in Yahiko Kambayashi, Dik Lun Lee, Ee-Peng Lim, Mukesh Kumar Mohania, and Yoshifumi Masunaga (Eds.) Advances in Database Technologies, LNCS 1552, pages 335-346, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Shih-Hsun Ho. Predictive Caching and Prefetching for Mobile Rule Processing. Proc. The 4th Mobile Computing Workshop, pages 78-85, 1998.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Yu-tse Chang. 支援行動資訊管理之主動式資料複製演算法. TANET'98: 一九九八台灣區網際網路研討會, 5A-1 ~ 5A-15, 1998.
- Shiow-yang Wu and Chun-Shun Chang. A Modular Framework for Building Adaptive Mobile Information Systems. 一九九八分散式系統技術及應用研討會.
- Shiow-yang Wu Intelligent Agents for Heterogeneous Information Integration. ATWork97: Agent Technology Workshop, 1997. (presentation)
- Chen, Hsu-Jun and Shiow-yang Wu. The Application of Mobile Computing Technologies in Computer-Aided Learning.Proc. ICCAI'97: International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction, pp. 391-398, 1997. (in Chinese)
- Shiow-yang Wu. Parallel Programming of Rule-Based Systems with Decomposition Abstraction. In ICS'96: International Computer Symposium, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pages 248-255, 1996.
- Shiow-yang Wu. Decomposition Abstraction in Parallel Rule Languages. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1995. Also appeared as Technical Report TR-95-33.
- Shiow-yang Wu, Daniel P. Miranker, and James C. Browne. Toward Semantic-Based Parallelism in Production Systems. Proc. ICPADS'94: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 752-758, 1994.
- Shiow-yang Wu, Daniel P. Miranker, and James C. Browne. Toward Semantic-Based Exploration of Parallelism in Production Systems. Technical Report TR-94-23, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
- Shiow-yang Wu and James C. Browne. Explicit Parallel Structuring for Rule Based Programming. Proc. IPPS'93: International Parallel Processing Symposium, pages 479-488, 1993.
- Cobb, Jorge A., Shiow-yang Wu, and Daniel P. Miranker. Skew Insensitive Parallel Join with Sampling. Technical Report TR-91-35, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1991.
- Mooney, Raymond, Dirk Ourston, and Shiow-yang Wu. Induction Over the Unexplained: A New Approach to Combining Empirical and Explanation-Based Learning. Technical Report AI-89-110, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1989.
- Shiow-yang Wu, C. H. Wei, and S. H. Hwang. Menu Planning Expert Systems. Proc. ICS'86: International Computer Symposium, pages 1847-1857, 1986.
- 吳秀陽. 音樂、電腦、與人工智慧. 國立東華大學圖書館月眉書訊.
授課 Courses
當學期 Current Semester
- CSIE52400/CSIEM0140 Distributed Systems, Spring 2024
- CSIE30600/CSIEB0290 Database Systems, Spring 2024
研究所課程 Graduate Courses
- CSIE59830/CSIEM0410/AIIA50050 Big Data Systems, Fall 2023
- CSIE52400/CSIEM0140 Distributed Systems, Fall 2021
- CSIE59830/CSIEM0410 Big Data Systems, Spring 2021
- CSIE52400/CSIEM0140 Distributed Systems, Spring 2020
- TCSL-70130 Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Digital Materials Design, Spring 2020
- CSIE59830/CSIEM0410 Big Data Systems, Fall 2019
- CSIE52400/CSIEM0140 Distributed Systems, Fall 2018
- CSIE59830 Big Data Systems, Spring 2018
- CSCSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2017
- CSIE59830 Big Data Systems, Spring 2015
- CSIE59830 Big Data Systems, Fall 2013
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2013
- CSIEM0070 Advanced Database Systems: Mobile Cloud Computing, Spring 2012
- CSIE50400 Data and Knowledge Base Systems: Social Network Analysis, Fall 2011
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2011
- CSIE51800 Advanced Database Systems: Cloud Data Management, Fall 2010
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2010
- CSIE54600 Pervasive Computing, Fall 2009
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2009
- CSIE50400 Data and Knowledge Base Systems: Service-Oriented Computing, Fall 2008
- CSIE54600 Pervasive Computing, Spring 2008
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Fall 2007
- CSIE50400 Data and Knowledge Base Systems: Data Stream Management Systems, Spring 2007
- CSIE54600 Pervasive Computing, Fall 2006
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2006
- CSIE50400 Data and Knowledge Base Systems: Web Information Systems, Fall 2005
- CSIE51800 Advanced Database Systems: Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Spring 2005
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Fall 2004
- CSIE51800 Advanced Database Systems: Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Fall 2003
- CSIE52400 Distributed Systems, Spring 2003
- CSIE51800 Advanced Database Systems: XML Database and the Semantic Web, Fall 2002
大學部課程 Undergraduate Courses
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2023
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2023
- CSIE30600/CSIEB0290 Database Systems, Fall 2022
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2022
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2021
- CSIEB0120 Algorithm Design and Analysis, Spring 2021
- CSIE30600/CSIEB0290 Database Systems, Fall 2020
- CSIE33000/CSIEB0220 Network Programming, Fall 2019
- CSIE30600/CSIEB0290 Database Systems, Spring 2019
- CSIE30600/CSIEB0290 Database Systems, Fall 2017
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2016
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Spring 2016
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2015
- CSIEB0100 Data Structures, Fall 2014
- CSIE33700/CSIEB0210 Information Retrieval, Spring 2014
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Fall 2013
- CSIEB0040 Introduction to Computer Programming II, Fall 2012
- CSIEB0020 Introduction to Computer Programming I, Fall 2011
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Fall 2010
- CSIE33000 Network Programming, Fall 2009
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Spring 2009
- CSIE33000 Network Programming, Fall 2008
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Spring 2008
- CSIE33700 Information Retrieval, Fall 2007
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Spring 2007
- CSIE10400 Programming I, Fall 2006
- IM41300 ¸ê®Æ®w¶i¶¥, Fall 2006
- CSIE33700 Information Retrieval, Spring 2006
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Fall 2005
- CSIE10400 Programming II (Object-Oriented Programming in C++), Spring 2005
- CSIE10500 Programming I, Fall 2004
- CSIE33000 Network Programming, Spring 2004
- CSIE10400 Programming II (Object-Oriented Programming in C++), Spring 2004
- CSIE10500 Programming I, Fall 2003
- CSIE30800 Advanced Programming Concepts Using Java, Spring 2003
- CSIE30600 Database Systems, Fall 2002
- CSIE1060A Introduction to Computer Science (for Engineering and Science Majors), Fall 2001
- CSIE30800 Advanced Programming Concepts Using Java, Spring 2001)
跨領域核心與通識課程 Core and General Courses
- GC_65560《詩經》情懷與科技理性 The Scientific Rhapsody of the "Book of Songs" (Shih Ching), Fall 2021
- 《詩經》與科技狂想(四) The Scientific Rhapsody of the "Book of Songs" (Shih Ching) IV, Spring 2021
- 《詩經》與科技狂想(三) The Scientific Rhapsody of the "Book of Songs" (Shih Ching) III, Fall 2020
- 《詩經》與科技狂想(二) The Scientific Rhapsody of the "Book of Songs" (Shih Ching) II, Spring 2020
- 《詩經》與科技狂想, Spring 2019